Here’s My Card….

For this assignment the task was to create a business card.

Whenever I think of business cards I think of this scene from The Dark Knight. Image from here.


My inspiration for this assignment was from my Photography work which I actually needed to create a business card for at some point in the near future. This assignment therefore served as a useful opportunity to actually create a business card that I may actually use in the future.

Other inspiration was taking a look at other people’s business cards like this one from another automotive photographer and other general photography related business cards on this website. After viewing these I had thought that I wanted to have one side primarily of example of my photography work and possibly my logo while on the other side have the standard contact information.

I started making the business card in Adobe Photoshop using two project files. One for the front and one for the back. In the front file I simply pasted in some of my best/favourite photos into the document and resized them in an equal pattern to fit the standard size (3.5 x 2 inches). For the back I inserted my logo and then using the Text Tool to write my contact information. I also used three small icons on the back, two of which I adapted from logos and one which I created using simple shapes in Adobe Illustrator .

This first attempt can be seen below:

However after doing the first attempt I wasn’t overly happy with how it turned out so I went on to make more changes. to the design. For the front of the card  decided to reduce the number of images so that I could position the logo and about line on the front. I took 2 photos from the first attempt and found another that fitted well together having the horizon treeline lined up and sky above to provide a minimal background for the logo. On the images I did have to add in more of the sky to fill the height of the card which was done using the Content Aware Fill Tool which automatically creates pixels in that area based on the surrounding image. For the back I just rearranged the remaining content and made it larger so it’s easily readable since the card would be quite small if it were to be printed.

The finished product can be seen below:

I think the finished product looks quite good and I’m glad I was able to find 3 good images of mine to edit together for the front. The card could potentially look cleaner with one single image on the front however one image doesn’t show a “range of work” so that may need some thought before I go about actually printing any. Also on the card I need to finish making my website before I go about printing any. As mentioned making business cards was something I needed to go about doing as over the past couple of months I’ve had quite a few opportunities where it would have been very useful to have some to give to potential contacts/clients at various events I’ve attended. So I will definitely continue to develop what I’ve created above and probably get feedback from people before progressing to printing.

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